Treatment Overview

Whether it is used to treat stubborn pockets of fat that just don’t ever seem to go despite diet and exercise or for generalised fat on the face or body, Fat Dissolving Injections cause fat cells to be liquefied and permanently destroyed.

Intralipotherapy (as is the technical name for this treatment) involves the injection of a fat dissolving substance, containing sodium deoxycholate, into localised fat deposits using either a needle or cannula. The solution causes destruction of the fat cells which then undergo degradation and are removed by the lymphatic system. Sodium deoxycholate works gradually within the tissue and the process of removal takes time and results can take several weeks to fully appear.

What areas can be treated?

Most commonly treated areas are the thighs, bottom, stomach, saddlebags, back fat and double chin but it can be used wherever stubborn fat is a problem including the arms, knees, face, man boobs, eye bags and lipomas (fatty lumps within the skin).

Treatment protocol is 4 treatments 6 weeks apart.

Results are permanent however if weight is gained it may go on in other areas of the body, it is therefore recommended to follow a healthy diet and an exercise programme.

Fat Dissolving

Procedure Details

Local anaesthetic is added to the fat dissolving solution to reduce any discomfort, and the solution is then injected into the areas being treated. There is likely to be some minor pain during the procedure and some tenderness for a few days afterwards. Most people describe this as minimal discomfort and it does not tend to interfere with normal day to day activities. Painkillers can be taken following treatment if required.

Fat Dissolving

Side Effects

Following treatment, there will be some transient redness, swelling and tenderness which may last for a few days but often described as mild to moderate and not interfering with normal activities. Occasionally there may be some bruising which may last for a week or longer. Pain, numbness, tingling, hypersensitivity or altered sensation can occur if the injection damages a nerve, this is rare and recovers over time in almost all cases.

Due to the action of fat dissolving injections, it takes time for the fat to be eliminated from the body and although some results may appear in the first few days it is normal that the final result is not seen until 6 weeks post treatment.


After treatment, it is not recommended to spend time in the sun or use sunbeds and although exercise is encouraged to help enhance the effects, vigorous and demanding physical activity should be avoided for 4 weeks. Gentle massage of the areas treated may help encourage fat drainage.

We strongly recommend the use of compression garments following treatment and the practitioner will advise you on suitable products during your free consultation.

Complications that may occur include:

  • Prolonged pain lasting for days or weeks.
  • Allergic reactions (less than 2 in 100,000 cases) which may require emergency treatment.
  • Nodules (can occur in 5-10% of cases) which are usually only transient and resolve as the fatty tissue is removed.
  • Damage to surrounding structures (less than 5 in 10,000 cases), including muscle, nerve or blood vessels.
  • Discolouration (less than 2 in 1,000 cases), usually only temporary and can be reduced by avoiding exposure to UV.
  • Necrosis of the skin (less than 1 in 10,000 cases) describes the damage caused to the skin by the solution if it comes into contact with it, this can lead to tissue death, blistering, sloughing of the skin, infections and scarring.
  • Unsatisfactory results, including stubborn fat, asymmetry, irregularity or loose skin.

Following treatment, there will be some transient redness, swelling and tenderness which may last for a few days but often described as mild to moderate and not interfering with normal activities. Occasionally there may be some bruising which may last for a week or longer. Pain, numbness, tingling, hypersensitivity or altered sensation can occur if the injection damages a nerve, this is rare and recovers over time in almost all cases.

Due to the action of fat dissolving injections it takes time for the fat to be eliminated from the body and although some results may appear in the first few days it is normal that the final result is not seen until 6 weeks post treatment.


  • Avoid applying cosmetics to the treated area for 24 hours.
  • Avoid vigorous or physically demanding exercise for 4 weeks.
  • Moderate exercise, a healthy diet and other lifestyle modifications are encouraged and may enhance results.
  • Avoid other cosmetic or beauty treatments in the same area for at least a week.
  • Use a high SPF sun-protection after treatment and avoid sun exposure and tanning.
  • Avoid extremes of hot or cold to the area treated.
  • Gentle massage may encourage fat drainage.
  • Contact the clinic as soon as possible if you have any concerns

Fat Dissolving Injections Price List

Price depends on areas and amounts being treated and will be confirmed at the consultation.

  • Small areas (i.e double chin) – £1,000-£1,200 for 4 treatments
  • Larger areas (i.e abdomen) – £2000-£2500 for 4 treatments

Book An Appointment

For more information on Fat Dissolving Injections and to book an appointment, please get in touch.